Corporate Culture


Corporate culture is the strongest profit-generating engine


The reasons for the failure of working relationships do not lie solely in qualifications, but are often related to the compatibility of individual personalities and corporate culture. The culture of collaboration cannot be seen in a company, but its impact can be felt by employees, as it influences every strategic decision and action taken by the company.


The corporate culture is the DNA of a company, its personality and its spirit. It is made up of the values, beliefs, moral concepts and visions of its employees and shapes the cooperation and performance of the entire organization. Because every single employee contributes to the overall picture of your company.


If the attitude of the employees largely corresponds to the existing corporate culture, one speaks of the "cultural fit" or the "cultural fit". Only then does an employee feel really comfortable in a company and does their work with commitment and motivation, and only then does the company feel loyal and future-proof with its employees and their performance. It is in no way contradictory if the person and the organization complement each other, i.e. have characteristics that are not available on the other side but are required for the corporate strategy.

You can't see the culture of collaboration in a company, but everyone can feel its impact. It influences every decision and action and thus of course also the profit and loss account.

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